Cedarcrest Regional Hospital

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Cedarcrest Regional Hospital
Established 1910
Closed 2010
Current Status Closed
Building Style Single Building
Location Newington, CT
Architecture Style Pavilion, Art-Deco
Alternate Names
  • Hartford County Home for the Care and Treatment of Persons Suffering from Tuberculosis
  • Cedarcrest Sanatorium
  • Cedarcrest Regional Hospital


Cedarcrest Regional Hospital was a 128 bed state hospital located on the town lines of Newington and Wethersfield. It was closed in 2010, with its residents being transferred to the Greater Bridgeport Mental Health Center and other facilities across the state.


  • 1910, established by the State Tuberculosis Commission as the Hartford County Home for the Care and Treatment of Persons Suffering from Tuberculosis.
  • 1912, Renamed Hartford State Sanatorium
  • 1924-1926- renamed Cedarcrest Sanatorium.
  • 1937-1939 CT General Assembly Appropriates Eleven Million dollars to the Public Works Department to build additional buildings at all state Sanatoria. Governor requesting that a 5 story infirmary and research building and nurse's quarters be built at Cedarcrest.
  • 1957- transferred to Commission on Tuberculosis and other Chronic Illness
  • 1959- transferred to the Health Dept. Office of Tuberculosis Control, Hospital Care, and Rehabilitation, per P.A. 148.
  • 1976- February, ceased operation as a sanatorium, and the treatment of chronic diseases. Facility transferred to the Dept. of Mental Health. Reopened as a psychiatric facility and renamed Cedarcrest Regional Hospital, per P.A. 77-200.
  • 1995- transferred to Dept. of Mental Health and Addiction Services
  • 2010 Cedarcrest Regional Hospital ceased Inpatient operations. Patients Transferred to CVH or Discharged to supervised homes. Outpatient operations continued until mid 2011.
  • 2012 Newington Campus officially ceases all operations. Remaining patients in cottages are moved to residential group homes. Staff and Programs moved to Cedarcrest/Blue Hills Campus in Hartford
  • 2018- State Transfers control of the land to the Town of Newington. All buildings remain in control of the State and are not slated for demolition in the future.
