Carroll County Farm

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Carroll County Almshouse
Established 1851
Opened 1852
Location Mount Carroll, IL


From the "Thomson Review" 09 February 1933

Carroll County Residents who have never called on their employee W. H. Christian, Superintendent of the Carroll County Home for the past 17 years should plan to do so one of these days. They will find Mr. Christian and his good wife ready and eager to show them through the building and explain just what goes on each day of the year. The Review Reporter dropped in and was told a great many facts which should prove of interest to readers.

The present site was purchased in June 1864, when the board of supervisors consisting of George G. Groves, Orlando S. Beardsley, Seymour Downs, Fisher Allenson, John Heileman, Hugh Gillespie, Andrew Dodds, M.D. Lewis, William S. Ashton, Rufus M. Cook, and Andrew Hamilton bought the land from Jacob P. Emmert. At that time there were less than 10 inmates while at present there are 38. The farm covers 156 acres and contains well kept modern buildings. Mr. and Mrs. Christian, with the help of the inmates do most of the work, though at certain times the superintendent has to hire one man and two women to assist with the work.

The cyclone of 1898 wrecked all of the buildings on the farm and the main building now in use was built in 98 after the storm. The annex was erected in 1915. The buildings are all modern with steam heat, electric lights, modern plumbing and 70 feet of fire hose on each floor. There are three baths in the mens part and two in the ladies part.

In 1916 when Mr. and Mrs. Christian took charge of the farm there were 19 people living there. Forty-Eight deaths have occurred in the past 17 years. 280 people between the ages of 40 and 92 have been taken into the home and 197 have been discharged. The duties of the Christian is varied and takes all of their time. There are three invalids at the home right now but none are sick and Mr. Christian is proud to state that there has been no sickness thus far this winter. Mrs. Christian looks after the beds, scrubbing and cleaning and is assisted by one maid. The two women do all the cooking

Monday is always wash day and in the past 14 years only 8 Mondays have been missed. Tuesday is ironing day and on Wednesday all necessary repair work is done. All the articles are initialed. The inmates look after the stock and do the necessary outdoor work. It has been 2 years since a state inspector has visited but at the time he gave the place a high rating. Each inmate has their own room, lots of sunshine, good venilating system and the men and women eat in their own dining rooms.

Dr. Rice has been the physician since 1916 and he gives everyone wonderful medical care. If an inmate is seriously ill a nurse is called and employed as long as needed. Both the superintendent and the physician are appointed by the board of supervisors and work under the direction of the committee appointed in April.

Mr. and Mrs. Christian are both very economical and have managed to cut down the cost for each person, in keeping with the times. At the present with all expenses figured in it cost but .62 cents per day for each person in the house. Mr. and Mrs. Christian are both very efficient, are pleasing to the patients and are most satisfactory to the tax payers in the county.